What should I do to get a job in a private sector bank?

The most important hiring step is to do well in the interview. Some banks also have an online psychometric test as an additional hiring step.

This psychometric test may happen either before or after your interview. Test usually has multiple choice questions under sections like English, Reasoning & Numerical Aptitude. Duration will be around 1 to 1.5 hours & generally online. Unlike similar tests by government agencies, this is generally used as a ‘pass-fail’ gate. So you do not have to do lot of preparation to score very high marks. Instead, it is good enough that you get around 50%-60% & clear the test.

Interview is the most important step in your hiring process. The 3 key requirements to do well in a bank interview are as follows:

  1. Good communication skills with at least some English language skills – some roles in metro locations may need much better English
  2. Work experience or skills acquired through specific trainings, if any – be ready to spend maximum time discussing this area
  3. Work attitude displayed during the interview – willingness to do all type of banking job, willingness to work harder, career aspirations etc.

Another aspect that will help you in getting selected, is your willingness to relocate to other cities where vacancies exist.

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