What practical skills or knowledge will I need to get a good bank job?

Banks need employees who can handle different types of banking work. While there are many segments within banking, the one which needs most number of new employees is the retail banking arm. Within retail banking, most employees need to be skilled in sales, relationship banking and customer handling roles.

For handling these roles well, there are 2 broad areas that you need to build expertise on. The first is communication skills. In a retail customer handling role, most of your productive time will be spent on communicating with your customers & potential customers. Your ability to do this better will determine your success in this role. Of course, it also helps during your hiring interview!

While English is a very useful language for professional growth, you can get away with basic English language skills in many entry level roles, especially in semi-urban & rural locations where retail banking is spreading fast.

The other area that can be your big differentiator is your subject knowledge level in practical banking. Some examples to help you understand this better:

  • How to source more CASA
  • How to bundle effectively
  • How to cross-sell
  • How to maximise results from customer interactions


While this is best acquired with actual work experience, training institutes like BygC provide this as practical, short online courses to help you speeden up the learning graph.

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